Sperati update at Heinrich Köhler, Wiesbaden

(pcp-wm) In 2003, philatelic historian Wolfgang Maassen published a more comprehensive biography of the master forger Jean de Sperati, which was published in his book “Echt oder Falsch. Forgeries and Forgers in Philately”. This can now be read in an...

Corona and the international philatelic events calendar

(pcp-wm) What can be observed at the Olympic Committee, Formula 1, international sports federations and clubs, does not leave world philately unscathed. Numerous events have been cancelled or postponed, reports FIP President Bernie Beston from Australia. It is known...
Prague Prestige Philatelic Club plans museum show in November 2020

Prague Prestige Philatelic Club plans museum show in November 2020

(pcp-wm) You could already read something about the new association founded two years ago in December 2019. See: https://aphv.de/ein-neuer-prestige-philately-club-in-prag/ Now it has become known that this club is preparing a museum philatelic show, the PPCP Biennial,...
LONDON 2020: Exhibition Dates

LONDON 2020: Exhibition Dates

Please forgive my silence over the last week or two, but trying to find a way of managing the London 2020 exhibition that both is safe and secure, as well as being financially robust, has been a major challenge. In line with UK Government guidelines, it is now...

Collecta in Slovenia postponed

(pcp) The team of Collecta wrote: “We inform you that because of the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Slovenia no. 470 on the Prohibition of Collection at Public Events in Public Spaces in the Republic of Slovenia, 14th Collecta –...

MILANOFIL 27-28 March 2020 cancelled!

(pcp-wm) As the DBZ announced on its website on 27 February 2020, this year’s MILANOFIL will not take place in Milan. Although it is not – as the DBZ writes – a “world exhibition”, it is a national exhibition with international...
Dr. Mark BOTTU, President of Oost-Phila

Dr. Mark BOTTU, President of Oost-Phila

(MB) Our Belgian AIJP director Dr. Mark Bottu – who was appointed editor-in-chief of ‘De Postzegel’ a few months ago – was elected President of Oost-Phila on 15 February. The Oost-Phila Association brings together the East-Flemish philatelic...
LONDON 2020: Exhibition Dates

LONDON 2020 – Corona Virus

(fw/pcp) The Chairman of the Organising Committee of LONDON 2020, Frank Walton, announced this on 27.2.2020: “I have been receiving several emails from around the world from people who are understandably concerned about the risk from the CoronaVirus. The London 2020...
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