The Landesverband Südwestdeutscher Briefmarkensammler-Vereine e. V., the conceptual sponsor of the International Stamp Fair Ulm, together with the LV Bayerischer Philatelisten-Vereine as guest association, the Bund Deutscher Philatelisten (BDPh) and the Landesring Südwest der Deutschen Philatelisten-Jugend (DPhJ) will be available in Hall 2 to answer questions about the hobby. The members of the LV board will provide information, give suggestions and arrange contacts with the collectors’ clubs of the LV Southwest and the supra-regional collectors’ club “Phila-Service-Club”. In addition, an entry in the guest book of the regional association will be requested. Nice prizes can be won at the popular wheel of fortune. In addition, there will be the big raffle of the LV-Southwest, in which a guessing question has to be answered. Attractive prizes await the participants.

The LV Südwest will also be displaying a very unusual document at its stand, which has had a very long journey. It is the “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies”, which was carried to the moon and back during the Apollo 15 mission from 26 July to 7 August 1971. The document comes from the possession of Alfred M. Worden, the pilot of the command capsule, who confirms the transport in a certificate signed by his own hand.

Anyone wishing to have their stamps appraised will not only receive information and advice at the service stands in Hall 2. An initial assessment of freshly acquired or other stamps and covers will be made by members of the Bund Philatelistischer Prüfer (BPP) at their stand in the foyer directly at the entrance to Hall 1.

The Verein für Briefmarkenkunde Ulm/Neu-Ulm 1883 e. V. will also be presenting itself in the foyer and selling an event-related cover.

The Philatelic Library Hamburg and the Phila-Bibliothek Heinrich Köhler offer inexpensive literature on site and a tremendous potential of philatelic literature via interlibrary loan.

At the special area of Briefmarkenjugend Südwest in Hall 2, the magnifying glass will be used in a slightly different way: “Stamp Detective Days” is the motto at what is already the 17th theme park. A trade fair rally will be offered for young people on all three days. On Saturday, there will be the tried and tested “zero boredom programme” for all young stamp enthusiasts. They can work on their stamp detective passport at several stations. They will have to decipher the matrix code, detach stamps, determine watermarks and perforations and search for errors on a cover. Of course, there will also be quizzes and the big “detective auction”.

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