(jb/pcp-wm) Writing letters is the basis for the hobby of stamps. This is why Messe Sindelfingen has been inviting school classes to attend workshops on the subject of writing letters during the Stamp Fair for several years now.
This year again, several dozen children will write greetings to mum and dad, siblings or grandparents and then post the letter at the special counter of Deutsche Post.
With the support of Deutsche Post, every visitor – while stocks last – will also have the opportunity to send their greetings from the International Stamp Fair Sindelfingen from 24 to 26 October 2019. Employees of an agency take photos of visitors and send the data to a printer station. The image is then individually integrated into the 60 cent value stamp of a plus card specially designed for the trade fair and the card is then printed out. Quickly provided with some greetings, the free souvenir can be given up at the Deutsche Post stand.
Two special postmarks are available: for the “Stamp Day” 2019 and for the Youth First Aid Days. Deutsche Post, once again the largest exhibitor this year, will also be offering a postal stationary at the fair, illustrating the motif of an optical illusion. The special 80-cent postage stamp “Optische Täuschungen – Perspektivwechsel” (Optical illusions – change of perspective), which will appear on 10 October, is printed to match. The corresponding first use cancellation Bonn, which, however, is not kept on site, shows the logo of the Sindelfingen stamp exchange.
Special postmarks, cachets and other trade fair products as well as an extensive range of new products are also available from foreign postal administrations or their agencies. Once again, the range offered by around 100 specialist dealers, auction houses, accessory manufacturers and publishing houses has an international character, with which beginners and advanced alike should find what they are looking for. Even at the 37th edition of the Sindelfingen Stamp Fair there are many new faces to discover in trading.
This year the service will again be a top priority. The collector associations answer all questions on the gallery around the hobby and the membership in associations. Those wishing to have their stamps assessed will find the right place at the BPP stand directly at the entrance. The Briefmarkenjugend Südwest has designed another theme park for young visitors: This year it’s all about first aid. Further information can be found on the homepage www.jugend-erste-hilfe-tage.de .
The Association of Southwest German Stamp Collectors will be showing a postcard with a genuine “Picasso” at its stand. The world-famous Spanish painter sent a postcard to a poet friend in Paris in 1918. Instead of a text, he provided the postcard with a cubist drawing.

Picasso-Postcard: Source auction company C. Gärtner
Every year Sindelfingen is the highlight for collectors interested in postal history. In the international competition exhibition “Postgeschichte – live” almost 60 exhibits compete for the coveted post horns. The “Symposium for Postal History” on Friday afternoon offers free lectures in which individual aspects will be examined in depth. This year there will also be the competition exhibition MAMA with different exhibition classes.
The information booths of around 40 working and research groups provide an opportunity to deepen one’s knowledge.
The 37th International Stamp Fair from 24 to 26 October 2019 (Thursday to Saturday) at the Sindelfingen Exhibition Centre will once again be free of charge this year. Open daily from 10 am. Current information can be found on the Internet at www.briefmarken-messe.de .