(Germering/pcp) In MICHEL Benelux 2024/2025, philatelists will find all the important information about the collecting areas of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Editorial improvements: This time, the information in the footnotes has been expanded and the...
(MiR-Germering/pcp) In the ‘Michel-Rundschau’ no. 8/August 2024, the publishing house announced some changes, which are reproduced below: The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations connects, among other things, the postal administrations...
(Hamburg) New lecture dates, on site at the Philatelic Library in Hamburg or simultaneously via Zoom at interested parties’ homes, each starting at 6.30 pm: 19.09.2024 Rainer von Scharpen: Einmal um die ganze Welt mit Marinol und seinen Freunden – Medizinische...
(GPN-Wiesbaden/Zürich) Recently the final auction of the ERIVAN collections closed the series of sales following the death of Erivan Haub in 2018. It was also an end-state for the community of heirs of Erivan Haub (1932–2018) for their ownership in the companies...
(Vienna/pcp) As in previous years, the new ANK special catalogue offers the “non plus ultra” for every collector of stamps from our neighbouring country, especially for those who want to think outside the box. This requires 828 pages and around 8,700...
(Germering/pcp) On 11 January 2001, a stamp with the image of the Calechutian pepper, now known as paprika, was issued in Germany. The image used for the stamp was taken from the herb book written by the skilful botanist Leonhart Fuchs in 1543 – the postage...
(Germering/pcp) In MICHEL Mediterranean Countries 2024/2025, philatelists will find all the important information about the collection areas of Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus and Turkey. The editorial improvements are spread throughout the entire publication. In Turkey, the...
(Germering/pcp) In MICHEL Scandinavia 2024/2025, philatelists will find all the important information about the collection areas of Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The editorial improvements are spread throughout the...
(wm-pcp) PHILA HISTORICA is the free digital magazine for lovers of philatelic history and philatelic literature. It has been published since 2013 with four issues per year and around 1,000 pages. Anyone interested can download new issues as well as those from the...
(wm-pcp) With 67 exhibits, the literature class at DEBRA was by far the largest exhibition class at DEBRA, followed by postal history with 43, traditional philately with 30 and thematic philately with 29 exhibits. Two jurors had already assessed the majority of the...