(vz/wm-pcp) The first edition of the Bergedorf catalogue was published in 2006, in which Karl-Heinz Hornhues recorded everything he knew at the time from pre-philately to the end of the Lübeck-Hamburg post office on 69 A4 pages. In 2010, the same author published a second expanded and improved edition, which now had 95 pages. In 2011, the university lecturer and former committed politician and member of the Bundestag Prof Dr Karl-Heinz Hornhues sold his enormous Bergedorf collection at the 132nd Rauhut auction.
Volker Zimmermann is now picking up the thread again 12 years later, as he recently announced the 3rd new edition: “What is new is that there is no printed version, the new Bergedorf catalogue can be accessed on the Internet at www.bergedorf-katalog.de free of charge and free of advertising. The new Bergedorf catalogue consists of a catalogue and a handbook section and will be continuously expanded. Additions/changes to the catalogue are documented in a blog on the website, where users can find out about developments.”
Translated with DeepL (www.deepl.com)