(wm-pcp) More than 2000 lots, mainly individual lots of old German states from Baden to Württemberg, are once again waiting for prospective buyers. NDP, German Reich and others round off this offer and the last item (2617) exemplifies that Feurer always has something truly exceptional to offer with his offers. For 12,000 euros, Part II of the documentation ‘The Work of Jean de Sperati’, published by BPA in London in 1955, is on offer. The leather-bound work with a detailed description of all Sperati forgeries known at the time is not common, but it is also not a very expensive rarity. What makes it an exceptional copy in this case are the 127 Sperati forgeries, mostly unsigned and some signed Sperati, that a French dealer glued in ‘out of circulation’. The call price thus corresponds to a price of about 95 euros per imitation – and this is unusually low.

Feuser ends his auction offer with 450 lots of literature, each of which is briefly described in one or, at most, two lines and is called out against bids. The hammer falls at the level of the bid submitted, with minimum bids per lot being 20 euros. Experts may be hesitant about some of the titles, although the general drawback of such an offer is the lack of any form of information about the condition of the books.

Contact: Peter Feuser, Haußmannstr. 30, 70188 Stuttgart, Tel. 07 11/24 75 24, E-Mail: feuser-auktionen@t-online.de, www.feuser-auktionen.de

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