(cj-MICHEL/pcp) This MICHEL overseas volume 1.2 contains the issues of the continental states of Central America between Mexico and Panama. In addition to the former British colony of Belize and the American area of influence, the Panama Canal Zone, the issues of the Spanish-speaking states of Guatemala, Honduras, EI Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica are also included.

As with every new edition of a MICHEL volume, the descriptions and prices in MICHEL Central America 2024 have been carefully reviewed and, where necessary, updated. In view of the diversity of Central American countries, it is to be expected that no universal price trend will emerge. Rather, the demand for each individual issue also determines the development of trade prices. These are now up to date.

Some old illustrations have been replaced by clearer scans in the course of editing. Over 300 new colour illustrations have been added to the entire volume, especially in the classics. This MICHEL Central America 2024 is therefore almost entirely in colour and is even clearer and more collector-friendly than its predecessors.

All new issues of which the editorial team had learnt by the editorial deadline were included in this volume, so that issues up to the year 2023 could be included depending on the information available.

In brief: 42nd edition, format: 15.5 x 23 cm, 954 pages, in colour, hardcover, VP: 98 euros. ISBN 978-3-95402-494-0

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