After the death of Beck and Bungerz in 1929/30, other philatelists with an interest in literature may have said the same thing and so a second project came about. From March 1931, “Der deutsche philatelistische Bücherwurm” (The German philatelic bookworm) was published, which certainly saw itself as a successor publication, as it continued this volume (as the eleventh). J. A. (Julius Alexander) Bosshard and Fritz Seifert were the new editors. Fritz Seifert was publisher and editor for the last time in December 1937 (17th volume) and announced that the magazine would be discontinued with this issue.
Brief data: DIN A4 format, 543 pages, monochrome black and white, hardcover, retail price: 56 euros plus parcel postage. Subscription: Phil*Creativ Verlag, Vogelsrather Weg 27, 41366 Schwalmtal, phone 0 21 63/48 66, e-mail:
Translated with DeepL (